Sunday, 25 November 2007

MANNY - Analysis 2 - James Morrison - Undiscovered

Narrative or Performance Based?:
The song is wholey narrative based, although he sings he does not play an instrument. The song is yet another love song, talking about the hidden potential we all have that is exactly the same, he is trying to say not everyone has found the right person yet. This is directly related to the song, it is of how a man has accidently met a girl, but does not do the right thing. The repercussions are he is stuck in the same place untill he is found again. Tieing in with the lyrics, as the chorus peeks a flood of poeple enter the screen, he then frantically looks for her and finds her in the end, in which he is able to leave.

Simply just under a bridge. Meaning that the shoot was relatively quick and cheap as the actors and extras did not have to be moved about anywhere.

The director uses continuity editing to make the events appear as if they were filmed in chronological order.
However for a video liek this, they may have been and then using other shots, just cut one whole piece and fill in with other view points.

The director uses a large number of Close ups, two shots and long shots. The long shots are used to make the man feel isolate, the two shots are of couples which are also medium close ups. Finally the close ups are of james morrison and of the protagonist of hte song, where we get to see their emotions and reactions to the situation

Special Effects:
We see that everbody has a super imposed "window" to their heart. The director trys to show that you can see into epoples hearts jsut by the way they act. It is also used to show some one they love even if they have passed on. As an old lady walks past, we see a black and white image of her late husband or lvoer in a locket. Positioned in the window where her heart is.
We then see another man sitting next to the protagonist, he isholding his heart possibliy showing it is broken as the light of which it glows flickers on and off.

Visuals & Lyrics:
The director uses the soudn to anchor parts of the narrative.
"you see the look that's on my face" and the protagonist slowly turns his head in dismay
As mentioend before, as the final choros peeks, a flood of poeple come onto the screen in which he finds the girl. he is therefore "discovered" and can walk away.

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