Wednesday 28 November 2007

Initial Idea

Our initial idea for the music video was James Morrison - This Boy. This was becuase it is an artist we are all familiar with and appreciate his music. This song particularly adresses the younger audience, as he talks from an older perspective and therefore relates to a mass audience.
We then thought that the song was too mainstream to use for a video as he has a particular style. Therefore we began to search for a less well known artist that produced acoustic songs and also considered alternative rock music. For an example Life House and Jamie T.
Concerning Lifehouse, we concocted a traditional love narrative for the song "You & Me" however it already had a trailer as it was the theme tune to an American Drama, Smallville which used a similar structure to that we had thought of.
This then brought us back to James Morrison as we discovered by studying the lyrics for This Boy we generated a large number of clear concepts that we could place into a video. We therefore decided on an largely narrative video with elements of performance to maintain his style in his previous video releases.

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